The Mysterious Number 6174 (洋書)
西山豊 著
洋書版判 / 322頁 / 2,500円 /

分類 : 数学一般  在庫状況 : 有

-one of 30 Amazing Mathematical Topics in Daily Life-

この本は『理系への数学』に「数学を楽しむ」として掲載された 記事を中心に30個の話題からできている。著者のオリジナルな作品「数学を楽しむ」の英語版である.日常生活の中から見つけたテーマ、多くの図形や数のパズル、 数学は暇人の遊び道具ではなく現実に役立っているという話題な どどれをとっても読み損はしないだろう。
This book is designed to reach a wide audience. Not only is it written for readers of all ages from young to old, but it is also targeted to those who have a dislike of maths. The aim is to show just how wonderful maths really is! This book is a compilation of 30 articles that I originally issued as a series entitled “Enjoying Maths" for the Japanese magazine Rikeieno Sugaku (“Mathematics for Science"). All articles are independent of each other and readers can move throughout the book as they please, exploring the wonder of maths as they go. 

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